Nativity Retablo

Type: Christmas Card
Price: $10.00



Mother of life, in your maternal womb Jesus took flesh. Show yourself the Mother of all creatures, 
in the beauty of the flowers, the rivers, 
and all life pulsing in forests. 
Help us to tenderly care for this explosion of beauty 
and to respond to the cry of the poor of the Amazon region whose home is being destroyed by petty interests. 
Touch the hearts of the powerful, for, 
even though we sense that the hour is late, 
you call us to save what is still alive. 

Adapted from A Prayer to Mary, Mother of the Amazon Region In Querida Amazonia, (Beloved Amazon) by Pope Francis, 2020


May the vibrant beauty of all life and cultures 
inspire us to live in global harmony. 
May renewed hope and love blossom in you and your kin and bear much fruit in the coming year.